An open source GPU graphics & utilities API:
- A hardware accelerated graphics API
- Math utilities: Matrices including Matrix Stacks, Vectors, Euler angles, Quaternion rotations and Colors.
- Texturing utilities: Atlasing, Sub textures, Sliced textures, X11 Texture from pixmap, Wayland texture from buffer
Cogl also provides these optional utilities:
- cogl-gles2: to intermix rendering with OpenGL ES 2.0
- cogl-pango: A Pango text renderer backend
- cogl-gst: GStreamer video integration
- cogl-path: A 2D Path tessellation api
Who's using Cogl
Rig is aiming to provide a design tool and rendering engine for the next generation of user interface developers and uses Cogl for all low-level GPU programming:

Gnome Shell
Gnome Shell provides the core user interface of the Gnome 3 Desktop. Gnome Shell is built on huge number of technologies (too many to list here) including Clutter which is a low-level UI toolkit built on top of Cogl.

Media Explorer
Media Explorer is a media centre application for Linux leveraging libraries such as GUPnP, Grilo, Tracker and GStreamer to find, index and play local and remote media. The application (interface coded in Mx and Clutter) enables browsing, searching, and viewing of found media.